Who is an IB?

What is IB?

IB (Introducing Broker) partner – it could be a person or a group of people or a company, who working on creating a client base of active traders. IB partner gets all necessary software, support, advises and directions for the attracting process, or he can use their own unique method. The result is that IB getting commission based on completed trading process of their clients. The more clients and more trading operations completed, more commission getting IB partner. Sounds like you just doing advertising. There is only one huge difference between those, who doing advertising and IB partners. There is no fixed commission rate. The volume of your income keeps growing with no limit. Earn as much as you can take away.

Why is AccentForex?

The next important question, for those, who thinking about IB partnership program. Choosing well known, reputable broker company, which can be trusted. AccentForex is the one, who has all those qualities. Over 3 years in worldwide financial market. We are young and rapidly developing broker company. Why? Cause, each one of our clients gets professional support and good service. We are getting good reviews from those, who doing business with us. We are holding leader positions at many different ratings. Getting certificates of a good standing and many other things, this says about our professional level. Reputation is one of the important things in that field of business. We are keeps working on it and does it better, than everyone else. That, why you want to become a partner with AccentForex.

You got a chance to make sure.

How much IB partner can earn
Let’s do productive business, together.

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