How PAMM service AccentForex works

PAMM service of AccentForex

PAMM account is a service which unites investors and PAMM-managers. The PAMM-manager earns more by managing funds of investors. The investor receives a profit from their investments without taking part in the trade.

Description of the work PAMM account of AccentForex

PAMM-Manager - registers a new PAMM account or transfers existing account in the PAMM section. Independently sets the percentage distribution of profit, the trading period, the minimum investment. Makes a minimum deposit of $1000 for the activation of the PAMM account.
The Partner – passes registration in the PAMM section, familiarizes with the PAMM accounts terms and selects the most appropriate conditions. Partner accomplishes depositor attraction using personal referral links or cookies.

Investor - chooses the most effective for his/herself PAMM accounts for investment.

PAMM-manager – makes trade operations according to his own trading strategy. Makes every effort to increase the general funds of the PAMM account.

PAMM plugin automatically distributes the share between the PAMM-managers, investors and partners after the completion of each trading period.

The principle of profit distribution between investors
and PAMM-managers.

Example calculation in PAMM

  • Personal funds $2000
  • Reward: 30%
  • Trading period 2 week
  • The funds of Investor 1: $3000
  • The funds of Investor 2: $5000
  • Reward: 70%
  • The fee: 70%
  • Attracted Investor №2


Deposit of PAMM-manager
$ 2000

Share of PAMM-manager: 20%

Deposit of Investor 1
$ 3000

Share of Investor 1: 30%

Deposit of Investor 2
$ 5000

Share of Investor 2: 50%

Initial capital the PAMM account
The total amount of funds management is $8000

Trading period

2 week


  • Profit from trading
  • $ 20000
The total capital of PAMM account
$ 30000

Total profit from trading:

$ 30000 (current capital of PAMM account)-

$ 10000 (initial capital PAMM account) = $ 20000

Profit of PAMM-Manager from trading

= 20000 × 0.2 = $ 4000

Profit from trading
Profit of investor №1 from trading

= 20000 × 0.3 = $ 6000

Profit from trading
Profit of investor №2 from trading

= 20000 × 0.5 = $ 10000

Profit from trading

Calculation of total income from management

Reward 30%

Capital of PAMM-Manager
$ 8700
Initial capital + trading profit + reward
$ 2000 + $ 4000 + ($ 6000 * 0.3 + $ 10000 * 0.3 * 0.3) = $ 8700
Capital of investor 1
$ 7200
Initial capital + trading profit – reward of PAMM-Manager
$ 3000 + $ 6000 * 0.7 = $ 7200
Reward 30%
Capital of investor 2
$ 12000
Initial capital + trading profit – reward of PAMM-Manager
$ 5000 + $ 10000 * 0.7 = $ 12000
Capital of PAMM-Partner
$ 2100
Income from trading of the investor №2 * PAMM-Manager fee % * Partner fee %
$ 10000 * 0.3 * 0.7 = $ 2100
The total capital of PAMM account
$ 30000

Net Profit of the PAMM Manager

= 4000 + 6000*0.3 + 10000*0.3*0.3 = $ 6700

Net Profit of the Investor №1

= 6000 * 0.7 = $ 4200

Net Profit of the Investor №2

= 10000 * 0.7 = $ 7000

Partner’s income from trading

= 10000 * 0.3 * 0.7 = $ 2100
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