What is Forex?

Forex is:

the world financial market. Participants in the forex market are traders, brokers, central and commercial banks. The commodity is a currency, the price of which is formed on the basis of an agreement between the participants and depends only on the demand and supply for a particular currency.
The world financial market for currency exchange arose in 1976, after the world economy switched to free exchange of currency, leaving the “gold standards”

Trade in the Forex market is carried out by buying and selling currency. Thus, the trading participant is speculating on the price of different currencies. An important feature of forex trading is that there is an opportunity to earn in any situation on the market, due to the fact that the exchange rate of the currency pair carries out fluctuations at different times. A currency pair is a item of one currency, which is expressed in the item of another.

That is, the pricing principle of currency pairs is the same as in currency exchangers. You can, for example, buy 1 euro at a price of 1.18578 dollars, if the price of the EUR / USD currency pair is 1.18578

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