Trading Accounts SWAP Free

  • Swap-free (Islamic) accounts are represented for traders who can not use swaps by religious beliefs.
  • The following types of basic accounts of (“STP”, “Micro”, “Mini”, “PROfit”) are available with swap-free (Islamic) option.
  • All trading conditions (except swap) are remained unchanged.
  • Every working day at midnight swap will not removed or charged unaffected to the volume or currency of current order.
  • You will be able to keep opened orders for a long period of time using the swap-free accounts , and only volatility of the price will influence on profitable or unprofitable of Your trading position.
  • Please register new live account for opening swap-free account, and after registration, send Your request on this e-mail
  • If You are already a client of and would like to transfer Your account to the swap-free account, please contact to the Support Center via Live Chat or any other convenient for You way.
  • For opening of swap-free account  or transferring to this account You need to accept the terms of these rules, download regulations
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