Cash bonus 35%

Do you want to make money on FOREX, and to trade with the amount which is much greater than your initial deposit? AccentForex broker offers you such opportunity. Henceforth, you can significantly increase your financial freedom if you will open a new trading account with AccentForex, and if you will take part in a program of loyalty – “Cash bonus + 35%”. You can open Micro, Mini, STP or PROfit account and get up to 35% much more favorable conditions for a successful start on the FOREX market. Get more income using the funds which are provided you by the broker. AccentForex is your success on the way to the financial independence!

Do you want to take part in a program of loyalty “Cash bonus + 35%” of AccentForex?

[Open Live account] [Ask Online]

  1. Open a new Micro, Mini, STP or PROfit account. PAMM accounts are the exception;
  2. Top up the balance of your trading account with amount of money which is not less than $ 300 (EUR300);
  3. Fill in and send us a request for “Cash Bonus + 35%” to from your email specified during registration;
  4. Get “Cash bonus + 35%” from AccentForex company within 24 hours;
  5. Start to work and to earn money on FOREX!

If you have any questions which are related to participation in the program of loyalty “Cash Bonus + 35%” contact our customer support please.

  • Trader by submitting the application guarantee agrees with all terms and conditions of bonus + 35% Promo;
  • These terms and conditions shall be the official and taken into account for calculating or retirement bonuses, as well as in solving disputes;
  • All account types: Micro, Mini, STP and PROfit open during the promo can be credited with the bonus +35%;
  • The bonus available for only new client’s accounts opened for the first time in AccentForex;
  • For getting “Cash bonus + 35%” you need to send the appropriate request to from your email specified during the registration of real trading account (the full text of the request is located at the bottom of this page);
  • The indispensable condition over getting Bonus is the total absence of any trading deals made after replenishment and before requesting Bonus;
  • Minimal deposit, which can be credited with the bonus+35% its $ 300 (EUR 300);
  • The maximum size of the bonus accrued on one account can not exceed $ 1050 (EUR 1050).

The bonus amount can be calculated from the next table:

Bonus funds can be transferred from the credit into balance
since trader provided transactions in total volume specified in the next table

The amount
(USD, EUR) from
Bonus amount
Number* of lots
300 105 16
500 175 40
800 280 50
1000 350 80
3000 1050 175

* for currency pairs

  • Account with credited bonus+35%, can not participate in other promotions and bonus offers
  • Bonus request must be proceed during 24 business hours after customer request it
  • The trader can refuse previously accrued bonuses in full amount
  • The trader may request zeroing account in case of a negative balance: balance would be reset with all previously accrued bonus funds.
  • The bonus can not be credited with the funds deposited with internal transfer
  • Bonus funds can not be transferred from one account to another
  • Bonus funds are available to trade – its calculated as equity too (to support your margin)
  • Bonus funds are available for trading during the three calendar months from the date of accrual
  • Bonus funds accrued in the bonus promo, wholly broker owned
  • AccentForex reserves the right to deny bonus credit without any explanation
  • AccentForex reserves the right to cancel all previously accrued bonus funds without any explanation
  • AccentForex have no responsibility (direct or no direct) for the consequences of cancellation (or no charge) bonus funds and encourages disregard bonus funds in the calculation of risk-management and / or trading strategies trader
  • AccentForex reserves the right to request additional trader’s identification documents (as well as other personal data)
  • Broker reserves the right to change the existing rules without prior notice.

Form to request “Cash bonus + 35%”
“Cash bonus + 35%” – I deposit my account  in amount ____ and familiarized with all terms and conditions of promo “Cash bonus + 35%”, I understand it clear and agree with all of it. Please, accept my live account to promo “Cash bonus + 35%”.
*fill this form and send it to from your e-mail, used during registration, for getting “Cash bonus + 35%”.

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